Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Kingdome: 1976-2000

The Kingdome was our great all-purpose arena. One could take in a Mariners game, watch Hulk Hogan and the WWF (now WWE) wrestle and shake your groove thing at a New Kids on the Block concert (don't pretend like you didn't).

I miss winding my way up the huge ramps to find my seats (I do not miss the smell of the smoking sections on those ramps).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pizza and Pipes in Bellevue

I never went to Pizza and Pipes, but my friends who did say it was the bomb diggity. Apparently, it combined pizza with a giant organ (stop snickering).Although I never visited Pizza and Pipes myself, it gives me warm and fuzzy feelings. Definitely the kind of pizza parlor we should all have had the good fortune to frequent when we were little. A+++ Would visit again (if it was still around).

The Boz

Brian Bosworth played for the Seattle Seahawks in the late 1980s. My memories surrounding him are fuzzy, but what comes to mind is:

1) the aura of edgy cool he brought to Seattle
2) his role in "Stone Cold" (see below)
3) his haircut

Also, the girl in this clip is having one hell of a day. Not only is she being held hostage at gun point by some a-hole displaying some epic and creepy roid-rage, but she apparently also has to wear her headgear in public. Also, doesn't Mr. Roid-Rage look a little like Steve Carrell?

Frederick & Nelson Department Store

Frederick & Nelson's was the shiznit. Nordstrom's and The Bon Marche didn't hold a candle to Freddie's. Freddie's had Frangos and an underground arcade.

They also had the best Santa Claus.

All of you who went to the other Santa Clauses were duped!

Vern Fonk Insurance

We've all been tempted to "Honk for Fonk."

Although a newer commercial, this is by far the best one:


Eating At Dick's

Dick's restaurants were always the great equalizer, everyone liked to go there and just about every kid could scrounge up some money to get a tasty Dick's Deluxe or at least a hamburger.

I see that onions still cost only $0.05.

The only bad part about Dick's was racing to get there only to arrive just after they closed. Then you had to watch everyone else eat their delicious hamburgers while you had none.

OK, that was last night...don't judge!


What the hell kind of town gleefully sics pirates on their kids?

"Eat your geoduck or I'll sell you to the pirates!"

What? Your parents didn't say that to you?